torsdag 3 april 2014

Discribing words

A good strategy for all students to have; is the ability to describe specific words that you can't remember or know what they are in English. 

What you need to do is to describe the word. You can say what you use it for, when you use it, what it looks like etc. 

I do this with my older and with my younger students. 

With the older students I usually divide the students into pairs. One of the are to look at the board at the other student has his or her back towards me. The students who can see what I write on the board describes what I write to his or her partner. When the student who is guessing gets it right they raise their hands. 

I continue to write a long list of words. After a few minutes, they switch seats and I write a new list. 

For the younger students I usually you use the vocabulary lists with images. They pick something and describes it to one more of their class mates. They are to take turns describing and guessing. 

Fröken Maja 

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