tisdag 25 november 2014

Homework for Friday the 28th of November 7B

You are to practice the verb "to be", have/has and there is/there are. 

Practice untill you are sure of which alternative that is correct. 

Fröken Maja 

tisdag 11 november 2014

Charlie's Birthday 7B

You are going to work with a short text called "Charlie's Birthday" from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

1.  Read the text

2.  Underline all the verbs.

3.  Translate the text.

4.  Chose 15 words that you think are good to learn.

 If you finnish, use the app called Elementary English Vocabulary in Use, 36 a to 47 b.
Fröken Maja


Music Project 8A

We are going to be working with music for a few lessons.

  • Finally you are to do four exercises, 45a-b, 46a-b in the app called English Vocabulary in Use.

  • Your homework for Friday is to chose one song, print/save the lyrics, listen, read it and translate. You are to read and translate the text as well as tell the group why this song is special to you.

Fröken Maja