fredag 11 december 2015

Swedish Traditions - Lucia

On this site you can read about the Swedish Lucia celebration. There is a short film that explains the tradition.

Fröken Maja

torsdag 5 november 2015

Travell log 1

Use the words to create your own first log.

Western Australia: 

Northern Territory:

South Australia: 


New South Wales: 





Tasmania, north: 

Here's an example of how you could start:

Log entry 1

I woke up in a strange place. I saw trees and flowers. I smelled flowers. I felt warm.

I woke up in a strange place. There were trees all around me. Flowers grew on the ground. They smelled sweet. I felt warm.

I woke in a strange place surrounded by trees and flowers. The green leafed branches were blocking the sun, but it was still warm. I felt happy, breathing in the sweet scent of the flowers.

Fröken Camilla & Fröken Maja

onsdag 30 september 2015

Writing Assignment on a Chosen Topic Regarding the US

Together we have brainstormed and created a mind-map with your thoughts and knowledge regarding the United States of America. 

Your assignment is now to go deeper into one subject. It can about pop culture, history, food, some famous person, politics or something else that you find interesting.

You are to write an essay. The essay should include an introduction, facts about your topic and an ending (maximum of one A4 page).

Use the list with formal expressions in the writing process.

When you’re done with the essay you are to write three questions connected to your topic to discuss with your peers.

How can you change Americans’ view on the Middle East?
Why does Swedes watch so much American TV?

On Wednesday the 14th/Friday the 16th of October you will read your text, lead a discussion and take part in many discussions. This is practice for the oral exam. Everybody in each group is to take part in every discussion. I will sit down with and listen to each group.

The 14th
10.40-11.05 group 1 (Ida, Micaela, Yara, Emmelina, Sebastian)
11.05-11.30 group 2 (Damon, Adam, Marina, Oskar, Eli, Robbie)

The 16th
9.40-10.10 group 3 (Felix, Emilie, Johan, Gabriela)
10.10-10.40 group 4 (Alva, Sara, Olivia, Emma, Zana, Joseph)

måndag 28 september 2015

Formal and Informal Speech 9A

We are going to work with formal and informal English.

Watch the Youtube-clips below.

This an example of a formal text from British newspaper The Guardian: Michael Gove: School meals fatty foods. You are going to re-write it as an informal text.

You are also going to create dialogues and write a formal text. Choose the vocabulary suitable for your situation: Formal/Informal English and the right sentence structure and grammar.

When you have been working with this topic I want you to do the following evaluation:

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Fröken Maja

tisdag 15 september 2015

Formal and Informal English 9A

(Download and) work with the app called English Voca bulary in Use, Pre-Intermediate and do exercise 95 A to 100 B.

On Friday you are going to do the evaluation.

Fröken Maja

måndag 1 juni 2015

Some Reading Tips

Soon it's time for our summer holiday. Some of us are traveling, some are staying at home. Regardless, reading is a nice way to "travel" and gain new experiences.

It can also be a way to enhance your trip.  
By using the website you can find novels that are set in a specific city. That can be a nice way to prepare yourself or a nice read on location. 

Have a wonderful summer everyone! To some of you, I'll see you in late August and to the rest of you - good luck with the next steps of your life. We'll probably see each other somewhere else. 

Fröken Maja

måndag 11 maj 2015

Describing people 7B

We have been working with section 2 about describing people. You are now done with section.

Do exercises 9-15 in the app called English Vocabulary in Use, Pre-Intermediate. 

Done? Practice your reading skills using 

Fröken Maja

torsdag 9 april 2015

The 30 Day Challenge 7B & 8A

This is a challenge to make you use more English outside the classroom. Five days every week for 30 days I want you to do at least one thing from the list. Fill in the grid each day with what you have done. Try to do as many different things as possible. You may only do each assignment three times.

You have the challenges below, as well as on the intruction paper. 


1. Use Facebook in English for at least 24 hours.
2. Watch a movie in English with no subtitles.
3. Watch a movie in English with English subtitles.
4. Listen to a podcast in English, look here for examples:
5. Read at least one article at News in Levels
6. Write at least five text messages in English.
7. Watch TV News in English (using the internet works fine). Retell three important things from the news to someone else.
8. Read a blog in English. You can find popular blogs here:,
9. Write your own blog entry in English.
10. During a meal with family or friends, speak only English.
11. Make a room in your home the “English room”. Whenever you are in it, you may only speak English. Use this rule for at least 24 hours.
12. Take a walk with a friend or a family member for at least 30 minutes, speak English all the time.
13. Use a source of information in English for school work in a subject other than English.
14. Cook a meal using a recipe in English:
15. Listen to three songs from a top list from an English speaking country and sing along in at least one.
16. Practice lyrics from a song you like at
17. Chat with a stranger in English in a computer game for at least ten minutes.
18. Find a clip from a TV show and imitate the accent. Overact as much as possible to sound really British or American. (For British English: Downton Abbey or Peppa Pig, for American English: Friends or Glee.) These are only suggestions; feel free to find your own shows.
19. Read a short story in English at
20. Spend at least 15 minutes practicing vocabulary at
21. Make a short comic in English using or Feel free to work with a friend.
22. Watch a video-blog in English and leave comments. Here’s a list of famous “vloggers”:
23. Learn at least five new English idioms:
24. Make labels for at least ten everyday household items and stick them around your house or apartment.
25. Play a digital game of some kind (on your smartphone, through facebook or something similar) in English and find at least ten new words to learn. Add them to your personal wordlist.
26. Make your own meme in English, using for example
27. Read all the words and translations on one page in an English dictionary. Repeat them once later on the same day.
28. Listen to news about Sweden in English at:
29. Translate your favourite Swedish song into English and sing it to a friend (if you dare).
30. Play at least three games with the Akinator.
31. Send a digital message to a friend trying to persuade them to play a game or sport you like. Give them three reasons why they should start playing your game or sport.
32. Talk/write to an avatar on for at least 10 minutes.
33. Read or write a story in English at
34. Read a news article at and retell it to someone in English.
35. Listen to a News program at and discuss it with someone.
36. Practice your decorating skills at
37. Practice British slang at
38. Listen to some British accents with Anglophenia:
39. Practice American slang at
40. Send postcards to at least three people in English from this site:
41. Test your personality here:
42. Watch a film in English at
43. Write a poem in English based on your name using this structure: If you want to, go to and make a nice poster with your poem in it.
44. Learn about Scotland using this website:
45. Songs in English: Listen-read or- sing-along:
46. Listen and read:
47. Play some word games 
48. Read and listen to Robinson Crusoe:
49. Practice vocabulary playing games at
50. Speak English for at least 10 minutes while eating lunch in school.
51. Watch three movie trailers in English on Youtube. Comment on at least one of them. 
52. Look at these Top 10 Swedish words you won’t find in English and try to use at least half of them in English, using other words.
53. Read one text at:


The Diary and Evaluation 

Presentation: You are to keep a “diary” over your activities. Fill in after each acitivity.

Also, write about how it went and what you thought about the challenge. What did you like the most? When the 30 days are over I want you to hand in your “diary” to me (12th of May).

• What did you like the least?
• How did you learn the most?
• What will you do again?

Good luck! 

torsdag 12 mars 2015

Pop Culture 8A

You are goint to work in groups of three with pop culture from 1900's. You will find the instructions in this prezi:

Fröken Maja

tisdag 10 mars 2015

7B's Uppsala

We have been writing texts about Uppsala. This is a part of our theme called The Town/The City.

The students have been asked to describe Uppsala as a city, and to give advice on what to do here. 

Uppsala by night.

All texts should be posted as comments below.

Fröken Maja

tisdag 24 februari 2015

Would you like to develop your vocabulary or make your texts moreadvanced?

Try to find synonyms. This is a really good placd to find them: Try it!

Fröken Maja

måndag 23 februari 2015

Reading Skills

This is a homepage where you can practice your reading skills with You are going to get a username from me and you are to practice on your own and in class.

Fröken Maja 

Asking and Telling Directions 7B

You are going to pratice telling directions using maps and

Create a dialogue in pairs.

Practice it until you know it by heart.

You are going to read it infront of the others on Tuesday the 3rd of March.

Fröken Maja